Living Net Zero in Herne Hill
by Jim Belben, SE24 Director and Company Secretary Last week I attended Jeremy Brackpool’s environmental master class. His title intrigued me – ‘Living net zero in Herne Hill’ is what I am aiming for and many others are too. Jeremy’s clear explanation of his journey towards his current priorities was engaging and believable. He exudes…
Living Net Zero in Herne Hill
by Jim Belben, SE24 Director and Company Secretary Last week I attended Jeremy Brackpool’s environmental master class. His title intrigued me – ‘Living net zero in Herne Hill’ is what I am aiming for and many others are too. Jeremy’s clear explanation of his journey towards his current priorities was engaging and believable. He exudes…
Why sustainable investments are the piggy bank upgrade you need in your life.
By Nadia Smith, LED project leader If you’re like me, your parents would have encouraged you to save, save and save some more. I still remember the excitement I felt when seeing a £20 note slip out of my card on my 11th birthday (pretending I had missed it so I could read the heartfelt…
Paul Hallas of SE24 presents evidence to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee
As part of its over-arching inquiry into technological innovations and climate change, the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee launched a call for evidence on Community Energy. SE24 was one of over 50 organisations which submitted written evidence to the Committee and we were one of five asked to give oral evidence to the EAC…
Paul Hallas of SE24 presents evidence to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee
As part of its over-arching inquiry into technological innovations and climate change, the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee launched a call for evidence on Community Energy. SE24 was one of over 50 organisations which submitted written evidence to the Committee and we were one of five asked to give oral evidence to the EAC…
Sustainable energy – what can we learn from China?
One of SE24’s founder members, Angus Hanton, visited China recently. We asked him to write a blog for us about how the most populous country in the world is rising to the challenge of cleaning up its energy sector. China is very active in using renewable energy sources and is putting the UK to shame.…
Sustainable energy – what can we learn from China?
One of SE24’s founder members, Angus Hanton, visited China recently. We asked him to write a blog for us about how the most populous country in the world is rising to the challenge of cleaning up its energy sector. China is very active in using renewable energy sources and is putting the UK to shame.…
SE24’s Harriet Lamb shares her belief in community power
During January we are using our blog space to give each of the SE24 team the opportunity to share their vision. Harriet Lamb, vice-chair of SE24, shares her vision of what people can achieve when they work together in community. This year is not going to be easy. Everyday, we will be dealing with the…
SE24’s Harriet Lamb shares her belief in community power
During January we are using our blog space to give each of the SE24 team the opportunity to share their vision. Harriet Lamb, vice-chair of SE24, shares her vision of what people can achieve when they work together in community. This year is not going to be easy. Everyday, we will be dealing with the…
SE24 Response to DECC consultation on FiT review
FITreview@decc. gsi. gov. uk Consultation reference: URN 15D/362 – Consultation on changes to Feed-in Tariff accreditation SE24 Response to the DECC consultation exercise Background 1: Who we are SE24 is a recently-established Community Benefit Society aiming to install Solar Panels on Community Buildings in South London appealing to philanthropic local investors to fund the…